Award winners 2015

CMHP celebrated the achievements of this year’s awards winners at our Conference Dinner on Saturday 10 October. These colleagues have shown expertise, leading examples of best practice, innovation, or exceptional work that has marked them out as worthy for recognition. We hope that their work will inspire others and support the continual development of best practice across our profession.

Congratulations to all of our awards winners:

Audit Poster Prize

Winner: Krish Samathagni, Pharmacist, Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Runner up: Abiola Olateju, Clinical Pharmacist, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust


Research Poster Prize

Winner: Roz Gittins, Lead Clinical Pharmacist, Addaction

Runner up: Rebecca Henry and Stephen Bleakley, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust


Service Evaluation Poster Prize

Winner: Krishna Amin, Lead Pharmacist, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust

Runner up: Amanda Gulbranson, Dr Flo Watt, and Lee Cornish, Devon Partnership NHS Trust, Roz Gittins, Addaction


Oral Pharmacy Practice Presentation

Winner: Trudi Hilton, Pharmacy Consultant in Humanitarian Settings, TH Pharmacy Consultancy

Runner up: Dolores Keating, Head of Pharmacy Services, Saint John of God Hospital


Pre-registration Pharmacist Research Award

Winner: Heather Axford, Pharmacist, Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust


Undergraduate Pharmacist Research Award

Winner: Samiah Hassan, Pre-registration Pharmacist, Washwood Health Pharmacy

Runner up: Zainab Halane


The Helen Tennant Award

Awarded to Diploma in Psychiatric Pharmacy students of Aston University for outstanding performance:

Audrey Purcell and Matthew Tucker


The award winners in each category were presented their awards by CMHP President Michael Marven.