Education & research

Our education and research initiatives are core to our charitable aims. Our short courses provide opportunities for professionals to improve their knowledge. Our educational bursaries support pharmacy staff to complete relevant training that will improve care of patients with mental illness. Through our research awards, we celebrate achievements in developing new approaches and practices in mental health pharmacy.

CMHP Education courses

Psych 1

Psych 1 is currently being run as a virtual event over 3 consecutive Fridays - either mornings or afternoons depending on the course.  It is designed to introduce pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and other medicines management professionals to key mental health conditions. This course, which has been running successfully for over 20 years, introduces mental health, focussing on the core clinical issues.

For further details, please visit: CMHP Psych 1

Psych 2

Psych 2  is aimed at technicians and pharmacists with some limited clinical experience in Psychiatric Pharmacy Practice. Psych 2 is an extension to Psych 1 and as such will cover some of the more specialised areas not covered by the Psych 1 course.

For further details, please visit: CMHP Psych 2 

CMHP Conference

Our annual conference has a strong education element, including talks, workshops, poster sessions and round table discussions. Please visit our conference pages for more information.

Research initiatives

We provide opportunities for pharmacists to share their best practice and research findings in the field of mental health pharmacy. One key way we do this, is to invite researchers and innovators to present their work at our annual conference, and present awards to publicise and celebrate their achievements.

For further details, please visit: Research initiatives

For details of our awards, please see: Awards from the CMHP

Other education and research opportunities

We work with partners to offer a mental health component to their pharmacy events and education opportunities. We signpost relevant events in our events calendar, and provide links to non-CMHP research opportunities which may be of interest to members: