Research links

Links to research opportunities

This section links to a number of external organisations that provide funding opportunities for research and development in health research, including opportunities for practicing NHS clinicians.

Pharmacy Research UK

  • Pharmacy Research UK
    Pharmacy Research UK funds pharmacy research in the UK.  It has a broad programme to research the science and practice of the preparation and dispensing of medicines. PRUK funds both research projects and individual bursaries to improve skills across the Pharmacy sector.

National Pharmacy Association

National Institute for Health Research

  • NIHR Research programmes
    The NIHR funds a range of programmes addressing a broad range of health priorities. Funding is based on the quality and relevance of the research to personal social services, public health and the NHS.
  • NIHR Themed calls
    Themed research calls are issued by the NIHR in order to meet an identified health challenge or government priority. These will be promoted in advance whenever possible and clearly advertised on NIHR websites. All research programmes, including NIHR fellowships, will participate in the themed call as far as their remit allows.
  • The Health Technology Assessment Programme
    The HTA Programme is the largest of the NIHR programmes. It funds independent research about the effectiveness, costs and broader impact of healthcare treatments and tests for those who plan, provide or receive care in the NHS. 
  • Training and Career Development Awards
    The NIHR provides training and career development awards, ranging from undergraduate level through to opportunities for established investigators and research leaders.

Research Councils and third sector organisations

These include:


  • Stanley Medical Research Institute (SMRI)
    The Stanley Medical Research Institute (SMRI) is a nonprofit organization based in the USA that supports research on the causes of, and treatments for, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Since it began in 1989, SMRI has supported more than $550 million in research in over 30 countries around the world.

Please note that CMHP cannot be held responsible for the content of these external websites. If you have any additional information to be added to this page, or would like to suggest an edit, please contact Eleanor on [email protected].