CMHP appoints new Assistant Registrar

The College of Mental Health Pharmacy is delighted to announce the appointment of a new Assistant Registrar Ciara Ni Dhubhlaing of St Patrick’s University Hospital in Dublin.


Ciara, a Senior Pharmacist and a fully credentialled member of CMHP, was co-opted onto the Council of CMHP early in 2015, and took up the role of Assistant Registrar at its April meeting.


Ciara works in St Patrick’s University Hospital in Dublin and has special interests in developing Medicines Reconciliation services and improving the appropriate use of Benzodiazepines. She recently won the Hospital Pharmacy News 2014 Award for Excellence in Patient Safety.


Ciara says of her appointment:

“I am passionate about working in Mental Health and find working directly with patients and clinical colleagues to be the most rewarding part of my job. I have always found the CMHP to be an invaluable resource for support and information and am delighted to have the opportunity to be more involved in an organisation which does so much to forward the overall quality of care in mental health.”

CMHP Council member Nikki Holmes said:

"As CMHP Vice President and outgoing Assistant Registrar I'm delighted that Ciara has joined us and taken on this role. Her passion, enthusiasm and humour are very much appreciated and she brings a wealth of experience with her. We also value that she works outside England and so adds diversity to our discussions and work. Ciara will be an asset to CMHP council and we look forward to working with her."


Full news release: CMHP-PR-05.05.15


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