Message from the RPS: Dispensing errors and proposed changes to the law: evening events, free to attend

The Government has proposed changes to address 'imbalances' between legislation and regulation that will bring pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, who inadvertently make dispensing errors, more in line with handling errors made by other healthcare professionals.


These changes will help drive high quality patient care and improve patient safety. Read more about the changes and how the RPS has been involved.


In order to give all pharmacists the chance to provide feedback and ask questions about the proposals, we are hosting a series of evening events in collaboration with the General Pharmaceutical Council, Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK and the Department of Health.


Register for one of our events today:


* Leeds - 6 March

* Cardiff - 9 March

* London - 13 March

* Edinburgh - 16 March


For those that cannot attend a face to face event we will be announcing the date of a webinar on our website in due course.


Kind regards


Ash Soni OBE FRPharmS


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