Three CMHP members successfully credential with us

Congratulations to Emily Laing, Aisling Molloy and David Rogalski! All three have successfully credentialed with the College of Mental Health Pharmacy demonstrating their professional expertise. They are now full members of the College and may use the post-nominals MCMHP.

Emily Laing is Advanced Mental Health Pharmacist Primary Care at Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, and serves on CMHP Council as Communications Lead. She recently moved over to primary care. Her work in the primary care interface was highlighted as being particularly impressive by the credentialing assessors. She says: “Although I don’t feel I directly impact as many patients [as in secondary care], my indirect reach is massive. I am passionate about improving mental health care through staff training, clear pathways, working across the interface. Change isn’t easy but when you see small areas of movement, it is hugely rewarding.”

She adds: “The viva was nerve racking  but invaluable to hear honest constructive feedback from equivalent levelled colleagues – this sort of feedback seems to be rare the more advanced we get in our careers.”

Aisling Molloy is an Advanced Pharmacist Practitioner at St Nicholas Hospital, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust. She holds an independent prescribing qualification and her focus in her current role has been primarily medicines optimisation and management of side-effects, (deprescribing where possible) to support patients with adherence.

Her person-centred approach to care was clear through the credentialing process, especially during the viva. Aisling says: "I’ve always been passionate about mental health pharmacy and have worked in this field since I was a pre-reg. I find it incredibly rewarding because, as a mental health pharmacist, you are genuinely respected for your expertise and this gives you the opportunity to really advocate for patients.  This is so important as there is often a huge power imbalance.   Getting credentialed with the College is therefore something I have been wanting to do for years but had struggled to commit to whilst juggling a demanding full time job, young children, and more recently, the dreaded home school!"

She adds: "for anyone considering getting credentialed, it is really valuable for patients because when you put your portfolio together, it helps you to identify gaps where you need to brush up on your skills and encourages you to seek out more opportunities to get involved in mental-health related initiatives - so you actually end up becoming a better pharmacist because of it."

David Rogalski is a lead mental health pharmacist for Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust in primary care as part of a multidisciplinary team providing consultation about medications alongside GPs, practice pharmacists, and other primary and secondary care colleagues. The assessors complimented him on his work to develop psychiatric primary care networks.

David commented on the credentialing process saying: “I was thinking about credentialling with the CMHP for a while having been a member for many years.  I also wanted to complete my RPS consultant pharmacist accreditation. I found an excellent mentor who encouraged me to credential with the CMHP. With their guidance and support I was able to find the time to complete my portfolio and apply. I think being an accredited CMHP member puts you in an excellent position for the consultant pharmacist accreditation.”

CMHP President (acting Registrar at the time of the credentialing) Roz Gittins was delighted to announce the success of the three candidates following their vivas.

She said:  "It is fantastic to see such high calibre candidates applying for credentialing with the College. They are clearly dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for patients and have developed significant expertise in the field of mental health pharmacy."

For further information about credentialing please see:

MCMHP stands for Member of the College of Mental Health Pharmacy. Anyone is welcome to join the CMHP as an associate member, but to use the term MCMHP, members are required to go through the credentialing and recredentialing process.

Are you interested in credentialing? Our next portfolio submission date is  with vivas scheduled for

For anyone interested in credentialing or completing the Foundation Certificate, you may find the following pages of interest: