Continuing expertise

Three of our members have recently demonstrated their expertise in mental health pharmacy and they have successfully recredentialled with the College.

Andrew Down, Deputy Chief Pharmacist at Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, Ian Grace, at South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, and Ray Gray, Locality Lead Mental Health Pharmacist Wiltshire at Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust all presented evidence of their continuing professional development and recent achievements.

Credentialling is the process by which members gain full membership of CMHP through demonstrating their expertise in the specialist field of mental health. They submit a portfolio of work and sit a viva. Credentialled members are expected to recredential every five years demonstrating ongoing expert practice.

Full members of CMHP find that being credentialled, and subsequently recredentialled, is valuable to their professional practice. As Ray Gray says: "Being credentialled invigorates my endeavours to improve patient care with the backing of highly experienced colleagues."

Andrew Down - who is also well-known to a number of members as course tutor for the CMHP Psych 1 and Psych 2 Courses - would agree with Ray. When asked about credentialling, he said: "The difference about being credentialled (and recredentialled) by the CMHP is that I (and my  work) have been assessed by experts in the field in which I work – people that I look up to, and I have been judged by my peers to be worthy of this accolade...  I am very proud of the status of Member of the College of Mental Health Pharmacy."

CMHP Registrar Ciara Ni Dhubhlaing was again impressed by the quality of the submissions, saying: "Congratulations to  Andy, Ray and Ian. They submitted some excellent work, each bringing out different aspects of the role of a mental health pharmacist, for example improving patient care, focus on medicines safety, innovation, and  education, training and development."

We encourage all Associate Members to consider applying for full, credentialled membership. The 2016 Credentialling vivas will be on:

  • Friday the 29th of April in London (portfolio submissions by the 29th of February)
  • Thursday the 6th of October (before the CMHP Conference) in Bristol (portfolio submissions by the 6th of August).

Anyone interested in applying for the first time should email Ciara at [email protected].

For more about credentialling and recredentialling, please view the relevant pages on the website: