Expert in mental health pharmacy

Congratulations to CMHP member Ray Lyon who has successfully recredentialed with the College.

Ray LyonRay is Chief Pharmacist - Strategy at the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. The evidence he submitted as part of the recredentialing process shows that he continues to be one of the leading pharmacists in mental health in the UK.

Jonathan Cavan, Assistant Registrar of CMHP, was delighted to confirm that Ray had been successful in his application to be re-credentialed. He said:  "Ray's development of a GP resource pack to minimise use of antipsychotics in those with dementia, and work with the CQC to develop medicines optimisation standards for mental health were most impressive."

Ray was invited to reflect on what credentialing means to him, and what he finds rewarding in his role. He said:

"I think the most rewarding thing in my role, is that I work with a team of technicians and pharmacists that all want to improve the care we give to patients and they demonstrate this by their enthusiasm to take on any task asked of them. Being credentialed means that despite being in a full time management role, away from patients, that role is recognized as being clinically valuable by peers."

Credentialling is our process for assessing members' knowledge and experience; it demonstrates that they are experts in the field of mental health pharmacy. Credentialled members are full members of the College and can carry the post-nominals MCMHP. Members are required to recredential every five years to show that they are continuing to apply their knowledge and skills with a high level of expertise.

For more information about the Credentialling process, please visit:


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